Baby Love

Hey baby love,
How are you doing today?
I've been missing you
Tho it's just been a day away

Hey baby love,
Are you missing me too?
I feel lost here already
I feel incomplete without you

We both know it's not working
I can never have enough of you
You can never give more to me
We know what we're doing
This will be the best for you
As it will be the best for me

Hey baby love,
Please don't feel sad now
As you said this kind of love
is the one that makes us grow

We've both had leapt so far
Grew much since we started
Now we have to be parted
We've both became wiser
There ain't no regret
There's so much that we get

Hey baby love,
Can you give a smile for me?
Be happy in your blessed life
I'm sorry I can't be with thee

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